The diptych by Kassou Seydou, an artist of Senegalese origin “Capital Wallah Region” (Capital or Region) depicts a duality between urbanity and rurality. This painting depicts the autopsy of two individuals and their concerns. In the center of their abdomen, the symbols express their priorities. For the rural man, it is agricultural machinery, land, livestock, rain or wintering. For the urban man, it is about electricity, running water, acts of consumption or moments of society such as meals.
According to the artist, “these symptomatic observations of our contemporary world lead us to reflect; despite sufficient global resources and unprecedented technological achievements, how can humanity still fail to provide livelihoods, clothing, shelter, medical care and the potential for one’s fulfillment to every individual
Titre de l’oeuvre : Capitale Wallah Région (Capitale ou Région)
Technique: Acrylique sur toile
Dimensions: 140 x 90 (chacun)

Learn more about Kassou Seydou