Sess Essoh is an Ivorian artist born in 1988 in Dabou.
Graduate of the Mural Art Workshop of the National School of Fine Arts of Abidjan in 2012, he lives and works between Abidjan, Bingerville and Dabou.
Clever at handling words and inspired by the world around him, this artist is passionate about music and history. Behind his ” bad boy”artwork the artist hides an unsuspected talent that he never stops to perfect by constantly changing his style. Not detaching himself from his permanent quest for greater freedom of expression, he emancipates very early from standard patterns of artistic expression. Cleverly, he takes his works out of classic frames, to explore less usual media.
Sess is drawn to the use of original media such as the use of chalk on canvas or the use of dark fabrics. His use of golden paint, red blood or white stretches on jeans or plastic gives life to the free expression of his work. His techniques, as diverse as the unusual or ephemeral materials he uses, gives his work a unique character.
At the beginning of his career, Sess participated in group exhibitions. Partisan of an educational art, the artist still stands out in galleries around the world and continues to extend his constructive vision of Street Art in solo and interactive projects.
Socially committed, he founded in 2015, a collective called Yes Graffiti, which supports strong socio-cultural actions at the Abidjan Correctional House (MACA), for the benefit of the minor prisoners and for the promotion of the education and art via culture.